I charge $150 an hour for a photo shoot.
This includes my traveling time and the time I spend editing and re-formatting the photos later.
My images are for sale or can be licensed for use.
Price of prints vary according to the size and material they are printed on.
Estimated costs for prints on photo paper:
$50.00 for 8 X 11 inches
$145.00 for 11X17 inches
$500 for 30 X 60 inches
I will license an image for commercial use for $700 to $900 a year.
The price may vary widely depending on the terms, use, and geography.
The images are not royalty free. The intellectual rights will remain with me.
The images are not in the public domain. They are the sole property of the artist and may not be reproduced on the internet, sold, altered, enhanced,
modified by artificial, digital or computer imaging or in any other form without the express written permission of the artist.